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Olá, my name is Talitha, I am Brazilian, a biologist and mother of two.

Alma Brasil is a clothing company run by me. It began in a studio in Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Sul, where we were living when our first child was born. We now live in London.

Alma is the Portuguese word for soul. With this in mind, I hand-pick and import to the UK the clothes and products that I feel represent the warm soul of Brazil.

All products my company sells are designed and made in Brazil. Because of my background in biology, I look out particularly for products that celebrate the tropical, exuberant nature and colour diversity and culture of my country.

Nature is important to me. I have a PHD in ecology and spent many months studying birds in Amazonia. That is why Alma is committed to giving 10% of its profit to the Save Brasil.